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Why Kanna Is Perfect for Balanced Mood and Relaxation

Why Kanna Is Perfect for Balanced Mood and Relaxation
Most people around the world are embracing therapeutic powers of natural herbs. This newfound interest has made Kanna gain much love and attention in modern-day use and living in Western countries. What’s fascinating is Kanna is available in many forms, like extracts, powders, tinctures, and gummies, that meet wide array of preferences and needs. Pretty convenient to integrate into your modern lifestyle. This herb’s healthy-boosting potential is extraordinary, from elevating mood and inducing relaxation to boosting immunity. And the fact that its effects are clean and smooth makes it the best natural botanical for heightened well-being. Let us get into everything Kanna to help you start and elevate your wellness journey.

What Exactly Is Kanna?

Kanna, also known as Channa or Kougoed, is a succulent flowering plant indigenous to South Africa. Kanna’s scientific name is Sceletium tortuosum, derived from Latin word “sceletus”, which means skeleton because of its leaves’ skeletal-like appearance when dried. Most people praise Kanna for its numerous health benefits, mainly mood-enhancing and improved mental well-being. The herb can be chewed, sniffed, smoked, vaped, brewed into tea… whichever consumption method suits you. Top Extracts features a wide selection of Kanna products at affordable prices. A third-party lab rigorously tests every product to ensure it is pure, safe, and high-quality.

Origins of Kanna

Kanna has a rich history deeply connected to the indigenous cultures of South Africa. The first use of this botanical was as early as the 17th century. South Africans, primarily the Khoikhoi and San (hunter-gatherers and nomadic pastoralists), traditionally used Kanna for herbal medicine, trade, and ceremonial purposes. They chewed its leaves, roots, or stems or brewed Kanna tea to stimulate their bodies and fight fatigue when farming and hunting in challenging terrains and environments. The locals also used Sceletium tortuosum to relax as well as relieve stress after long working days. Nowadays, Kanna continues to be treasured for its medicinal purpose. For instance, its psychoactive properties have sparked much interest in its use as an alternative treatment for anxiety and depression. Though more research is required to fully understand its mechanisms and potential applications.

How Is Kanna Made?

Top Extracts do not just sell you any Kanna! We source our all-natural Kanna from expert farmers who employ highly sophisticated production processes from seed to sale. Here is how this amazing botanical is manufactured:
  1. Harvesting – Farmers harvest Kanna leaves, stems, and sometimes roots when the plant attains maturity and freshness. Timely harvesting is done to ensure the final product has optimal alkaloid content and distinct flavor. Also, washing the plant material is crucial to yield clean and safe products.
  2. Fermentation – The plant material is then subjected to controlled fermentation, which enhances Kanna alkaloids concentration and potency. Glass jars or garbage bags are mostly used to carry out the fermentation process. This step takes a few days to a week(s) depending on fermenting conditions and desired potency.
  3. Drying – After fermentation, the Kanna material is dried under sunlight or a controlled environment. Drying reduces moisture content to prevent mold growth as well as preserve the potency of active alkaloids.
  4. Grinding and Processing – What follows is grinding the fermented dried Kanna plant material into fine powder. Now you can enjoy your Kanna herb. Powdered Sceletium tortuosum can further be processed depending on the desired final product or consumption method. For instance, it can be formulated into tinctures, capsules, or gummies. Some manufacturers also perform alkaloid extraction to create more potent products.

How Does Kanna Work?

Kanna contains up to 9 alkaloids responsible for its psychoactive properties and therapeutic effects. Some of them include mesembrine (the most abundant), mesembrenone, mesembrenol, and tortuosamine. The presence and concentration of these alkaloids may vary based on factors like cultivation, harvesting, and processing techniques. These factors can affect product potency and efficacy. Once ingested, Kanna alkaloids interact with brain neurotransmitters in various ways. The most notable one is regulating feel-good hormones, thereby enhancing mood and reducing any feelings of worry and tension.

What Are the Health Benefits of Kanna?

Folks in love with all-natural remedies for boosted wellness will appreciate Kanna’s therapeutic potential and capabilities. Learn how this South African herb can promote your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Enhance Mood and Emotional Well-being

Kanna is celebrated for its mood-boosting effects since ancient times. Mesembrine, mesembrenone, and other alkaloids control particular feel-good hormones in the brain. Keeping these hormones at high levels uplifts mood and heightens feelings of positivity and happiness. Most users often report a sense of mind calmness and relaxation with no side effects, something conventional medications can never match. Be sure to secure your Kanna herb to manage everyday stressors and support your emotional balance in a natural, beneficial way.

Boost Cognitive Function and Clarity

Your life can get busy to the point of forgetting essential things from time to time. This might be normal, but having a poor memory is quite annoying. Kanna can be your life-save as it has shown promise to improve cognitive function and mental clarity. Active ingredients in Sceletium tortuosum can modulate specific brain neurotransmitters to support cognitive activities like learning capacity, memory retention, and concentration. An ideal Kanna dose will make you more focused and alert for a long time during your daily operations.

Deep Relaxation and Discomfort Relief

Your mind will probably be on a merry-go-round of work-related thoughts, and your body exhausted with muscle aches after a busy day. Kanna is a sure herb that can offer deep relaxation while relieving any physical and mental discomfort. Kanna’s calming effects on the mind and body can also help you welcome a better night’s rest and wake up the following morning revitalized. The beauty of this herb’s relaxing and soothing effects is they are perfectly smooth without sedation or unwanted reactions. Even so, dose accurately and use responsibly to maximize the benefits.

Suppress Appetite and Manage Weight

Appetite is influenced by many internal and external factors, including mood, stress, and overall physical and mental health. Once you ingest Kanna, its active compounds interact with certain body chemical messengers linked to regulating appetite and signaling satiety. As a result, you experience suppressed appetite and reduced cravings to support healthy eating habits and manage weight. Do not forget to inform your healthcare provider before incorporating Kanna into your weight loss routine and stick to a balanced diet.

What Are the Best Ways to Use Kanna Herb?

The modern era has made it convenient to enjoy Kanna since various product formulations are available on the market. It is up to you to choose the one that fits your preferences and needs. We will discuss the most popular methods of ingesting this beneficial botanical.

Using Kanna Extract

Most Kanna on the market nowadays is sold as an extract and is available in many forms, such as tinctures, capsules, gummies, and powder. Extract is a concentrated form of Kanna where the active alkaloids are isolated from the plant to create a more potent product for intense experience. Some extracts are labeled 10x, 20x, 50x…up to 200x. Let us help you digest this to understand what you will be buying and using. 20x extract simply means the product is 20 times the potency of dried Kanna herb. This means one gram of 20x extract has the same concentration of active alkaloids as 20 grams of plain dried Sceletium tortuosum plant. With that in mind, accurate dosage and usage of any Kanna extract is highly recommended. Luckily, legit vendors will always indicate the product potency and ingredients on the packaging.

Taking Kanna Powder

Powdered Kanna is one of the most versatile ways of using the herb. Plus, it offers flexibility in dosing, making it suitable for both novices and experienced users. Powder is also the most cost-effective product compared to tinctures, extracts, and capsules. All you need is to measure your preferred dose, put it in your mouth, and chase it down with enough water or your favorite beverage. If you do not like the bitter Kanna taste, add the powder to a flavored drink or food, make Kanna smoothie, or brew Kanna tea. Heat the water to almost boiling – high heat can destroy Sceletium tortuosum alkaloids (we will comprehensively cover this soon).

Taking Kanna Tinctures

Most tinctures are alcohol-based and come in extract form. You will love this kind of Kanna product when you want faster onset of potent effects. Consider using the tincture sublingually for rapid absorption. Just place a few drops under the tongue and hold them there for at least one minute (2 or more if you can) before swallowing. When taken sublingually, Kanna alkaloids enter the bloodstream directly through the mucous membrane under the tongue and cheek. That is why the effects hit quicker and stronger. But they tend to last for a shorter time compared to edibles and capsules.

Chewing Kanna

People traditionally ingested Kanna by chewing fermented leaves, stems, or roots. They would chew the plant material for some time while swallowing their saliva and spitting out the residue. Manufacturers recently invented Kanna chews or gummies that replace the ancient method of use. Chews offer a more delicious and convenient way to enjoy your botanical, and they are mostly made with Kanna extract. You just throw a gummy into your mouth and chew wellness – no spitting, you swallow everything. And the longer you hold the chew in your mouth before swallowing, the stronger and more rapid the effects will be.

Consuming Kanna Capsules

Find it time-consuming to measure a tincture or powder dosage? Kanna capsules got you covered. These pills are also perfect for beginners since they come pre-dosed – no preparation. You just put one capsule at a time in your mouth and swallow it with water. Capsules take longer to produce effect – approximately an hour. But these results last for the longest time – up to 8 hours. This is because capsules undergo digestion and liver action before entering the bloodstream.

Smoking or Vaping Kanna

Smoking or vaping Kanna effects hits almost immediately. When it comes to smoking, pack your pipe or rolling papers with a measured dose of crushed dried leaves or powdered Kanna, just like in the case of tobacco. You simply take long, deep inhalations to allow for maximum absorption of Kanna alkaloids into your system before slow exhaling. Vaping Kanna will need a dry herb vaporizer. Most vaping devices come with the manufacturer’s directions for use. Also, you can buy disposable Kanna vapes that come pre-filled and pre-charged. After setting the ideal temperature (about 356°F or 180°C), take slow, steady draws from your vaporizer to prevent overheating Kanna material or inhaling excessive vapor. Allow time (a few seconds) between puffs for the device to cool.

Insufflating Kanna

Insufflating finely ground Sceletium tortuosum powder also gives quicker onset of effects like vaping or smoking. You can use a snuff tube or straw or your fingertips to inhale the powder. We do not recommend this method of ingestion as it can cause irritation and damage to the nasal passages and other sinus issues.

How Much Kanna Should I Consume?

Finding your ideal Kanna dosage is a personal journey because everyone is unique. It depends on factors such as form of product used, individual tolerance, desired effects, your body chemistry, etc. The first thing to consider is manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging. Most Kanna products’ dosage can vary widely based on formulation and ingredients. The best way to determine your perfect Kanna serving size is to start with a low dose, especially if you are a beginner. A small amount of approximately 25-100 mg of Kanna extract or 5-10 drops of tincture or 50-250 mg of plain powder or 1-3 gummies. Listen to your body to understand how the herb affects you. This should take about one hour as you record everything. If you do not experience the desired results, gradually increase the dose by small increments (about a quarter to half of the first dose) until you feel them. You will want to use the same product formulation since changing to another can affect absorption rate or potency. Do not forget to consult your doctor or Kanna expert for the best dosage plan.

How Long Do Kanna Effects Last?

The effects of kanna last for approximately 2 to 10 hours. They are more pronounced in the first 3 hours and gradually taper off when you do not add another dosage. These effects rely on factors such as individual tolerance, method of consumption, dosage, product formulation used, among others. Kanna effects kick in quicker and hit stronger when used sublingually – in seconds to a few minutes. But they last for a shorter time. Smoking, vaping, and insufflating Kanna also lead to faster onset of the results. It takes 15 minutes to an hour to feel the effects of Kanna gummies, powder, and capsules. And they can last up to 10 hours. You should always start with a small dose and adjust accordingly to achieve your desired effects.

Does Kanna Have Any Side Effects?

Kanna is generally safe and well tolerated when dosed cautiously. In some cases, mild unwanted reactions might occur (especially to beginners as part of the priming effect – body getting used to a new substance), but they tend to go away after a few hours to days. The most common side effects reported include:
  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Stomach upset
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Confusion
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Loss of appetite
Avoid mixing Kanna with alcohol or other sedative drugs since this could amplify the effects. And the undesirable ones might ruin your experience. You should consult your doctor before using Kanna if you have underlying medical conditions or take other medications to avoid any contradictions. No clinical trials have reported any Kanna toxicity at the moment. This means the botanical is safe even at high but regulated doses.

Is Kanna Legal in the USA?

Yes, Kanna is federally legal in the United States. You can freely buy, possess, or use your herb. The federal government does not include it in the list of controlled substances. In fact, this botanical falls under the category of dietary supplements and is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is imperative to note that Kanna’s legal status can vary at the state level. Some states draft and pass their own laws that regulate the sale and use of particular herbal supplements, including Kanna. For instance, Louisiana chose to prohibit Kanna even though most states allow its use for personal reasons. Confirm local laws and regulations before buying or using Kanna to avoid trouble with the government. Also, source your products from credible brands to ensure quality, safety, and heightened wellness.

Can I Mix Kanna with Other Botanicals?

It’s interesting how the synergistic action of two different botanicals leads to more pronounced effects and benefits. So yes, you can mix Kanna with other herbs, but precise dosage is a must. Also, inform your doctor before anything for safe use and best results.

Kanna vs Kratom

Kanna and Kratom have almost similar effects, so their combo can lead to amplified beneficial results. Mixing these two should be done with much caution and expert help. If it is your first time using Kratom or Kanna, never combine them. For instance, you can mix a Green Strain with Kanna to enjoy the energetic vibes and mental clarity of Kratom while letting Sceletium tortuosum uplift your mood and spirit.

Kanna vs Kava Kava

Most folks find Kanna and Kava combination quite beneficial for mood-boosting and relaxing effects. Kanna tends to lean more on the stimulating side – mild energy boost and mood enhancement. While Kava is well known to promote relaxation while reducing anxiousness and negative thoughts. Mixing these two botanicals can ensure better mood uplifting and a sense of deep relaxation and calmness than using either alone.

Kanna vs CBD

Kanna CBD combo also works perfectly for most people. CBD (cannabidiol) is great for boosting mood, relieving discomfort, reducing worries, and improving immunity in the long term. On the other hand, Kanna’s mood-enhancing and relaxing effects are unmatched. Mixing Kanna with CBD offers much elevated sense of relaxation and well-being. Be sure to start low and take your game slow to benefit the most.

Where To Buy Premium Kanna Products

Kanna is relatively new in the USA market, but its smooth uplifting and relaxation effects have garnered a lot of fame and attention. With so many Kanna-infused products popping up daily, it is easy to find them anywhere, even at the local grocery store. But not everyone promises pure and high-quality products. The best place to buy Kanna is from Top Extracts, an online brand with rich experience in the botanical supplement industry.

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