Kratom Powder

Kratom product


Finely ground Kratom powder is probably the most widely known and used version of Kratom in the market, we offer several different varieties from different regions. Top Extracts Kratom powder is always fresh – we never have product sitting around in warehouses collecting dust.

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Showing 13–13 of 13 results

Ways to Consume Kratom Powder

The benefit to purchasing Kratom powder is that it is typically much more cost effective, especially for people who utilize Kratom on a regular basis. It can also be used in a variety of ways. From making tea to mixing it with juice, or simply doing a toss and wash, powder is a popular choice. Customers also make their own capsules, and love to save money this way!

Regardless of how you consume your Kratom powder, Top Extracts is committed to quality. One of the ways we ensure quality is by making sure all of our processes adhere to cGMP guidelines. Top Extracts Kratom powder is sourced locally in Indonesia by a small group of trusted farmers that have been personally vetted by us. All of our products are put through a round of heavy metal, DNA, and microbial tests before reaching the manufacturing facility.

Looking for the convenience of kratom capsules? We’ve got you covered, head here for your favorite kratom strains in capsule form.

How to Make Kratom Tea >>

Lab Tested

For those who haven’t yet acquired the taste of kratom, just plain don’t like the taste, or simply want to change things up, there are alternatives to the toss and wash method. One of the most popular ways of benefiting from the herb’s alkaloids is through drinking it via tea. And the process is simpler than most would guess! Here’s how to make your own steamy, dreamy and delicious cup of kratom tea!

What You’ll Need

*About 1-3 teaspoons of kratom powder (use the strain of your choice), depending on your usual dose. It’s not recommended that you use an extract.

*Saucepan to boil approximately 1-3 cups of water. If using less, the tea will be stronger, but you will still achieve the same desired effect by drinking one or three cups if you consume all of the tea.

*Optional: Sweetener. We recommend using honey, which will work great to mask the bitter taste of kratom.


First, you’re going to want to measure your desired amount of kratom. We recommend about 1-3 teaspoons, depending on your usual dose. Remember that less is oftentimes more in the world of kratom, and starting small is always a good choice. Next, boil about one to three cups of water. Keep in mind that the tea will taste much stronger if you’re drinking one cup versus three cups, when you’re using the same amount of kratom, i.e. the desired effect won’t be changed.

Place the measured kratom into a container made for hot liquids that you can easily pour from. Next, pour the boiling water over your powder. Stir until all kratom is dissolved, and you can no longer feel any clumps. Allow the concoction to cool down before pouring the liquid into a drinking mug or cup. Try to keep the powder out, which should be nicely settled to the bottom by now anyway. By making tea, you’ve already extracted the alkaloids and the powder is no longer beneficial at this point.

Lastly, add the sweetener of your choice, but trust us when we say honey will take away the bitter taste of the kratom powder. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your cup of tea!

For those who haven’t yet acquired the taste of kratom, just plain don’t like the taste, or simply want to change things up, there are alternatives to the toss and wash method. One of the most popular ways of benefiting from the herb’s alkaloids is through drinking it via tea. And the process is simpler than most would guess! Here’s how to make your own steamy, dreamy and delicious cup of kratom tea!

What You’ll Need

*About 1-3 teaspoons of kratom powder (use the strain of your choice), depending on your usual dose. It’s not recommended that you use an extract.

*Saucepan to boil approximately 1-3 cups of water. If using less, the tea will be stronger, but you will still achieve the same desired effect by drinking one or three cups if you consume all of the tea.

*Optional: Sweetener. We recommend using honey, which will work great to mask the bitter taste of kratom.


First, you’re going to want to measure your desired amount of kratom. We recommend about 1-3 teaspoons, depending on your usual dose. Remember that less is oftentimes more in the world of kratom, and starting small is always a good choice. Next, boil about one to three cups of water. Keep in mind that the tea will taste much stronger if you’re drinking one cup versus three cups, when you’re using the same amount of kratom, i.e. the desired effect won’t be changed.

Place the measured kratom into a container made for hot liquids that you can easily pour from. Next, pour the boiling water over your powder. Stir until all kratom is dissolved, and you can no longer feel any clumps. Allow the concoction to cool down before pouring the liquid into a drinking mug or cup. Try to keep the powder out, which should be nicely settled to the bottom by now anyway. By making tea, you’ve already extracted the alkaloids and the powder is no longer beneficial at this point.

Lastly, add the sweetener of your choice, but trust us when we say honey will take away the bitter taste of the kratom powder. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your cup of tea!

If you’re just getting started delving into the world of kratom, you’ve probably noticed there are a lot of choices when it comes to the herb! In fact, there are so many that it may seem intimidating. We’re here to help you through this process, and to make an educated, informed choice about which method(s) you decide to go with. For now, let’s talk about kratom powder. 

Kratom powder  is a highly popular choice for many who benefit from the herb’s alkaloid components. There are many ways that you can enjoy the powder. Aside from the “toss and wash” method, you can choose to put your own powder into capsules, or even make a nice tea  to energize or relax with. 

So why is kratom powder cheaper than alternative choices when purchasing the botanical? In today’s world, we know how important it is for many to make every penny count. Of sometimes equal importance is the value of time. When a reputable vendor sells kratom powder, there is a lot of time that goes into it, more than most would realize. At Top Extracts, you’re guaranteed a quality product that has been through strenuous tests via an accredited lab. Yes, that takes time, labs take about seven to 10 days to process each batch. And then there is the time to ship it back to the vendor. While you can usually get a turnaround in about three days if you’re in a pinch, you pay for it big time. 

Cost wise for labs are between $300 and $500 per strain, depending on what you want done. 

Now that you know how long the process of getting quality powder is, let’s talk about powder versus capsules. Capsules are extremely tedious and time consuming for vendors. In some cases, they may even need to hire additional staff to accommodate customer preferences, with some vendors avoiding them altogether. Did we mention that there is also a cost in purchasing the actual capsules? The same goes for making kratom resin and other varieties. 

By no means are we trying to stray you away from ordering capsules, resin, or other varieties. Again, Top Extracts’ goal is to always keep their customers educated and informed. And hey, it can’t hurt to save a penny here and there if you’d like to do so, which kratom powder can help you to accomplish!

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